Chia Seed Treats


My parents have always drunk a mix of Chia seeds and a little sugar with their water or milk, it is something that is very popular in South Asian countries because of its health benefits as well as being refreshing. I have never really cared for the drink too much until recently. We always have a packet of Chia seeds in the house but I have never paid any attention to it, until now I did not even know they were called Chia seeds in English. The packets usually have writing in my own language and is called something else entirely (don’t ask me what because for the life of me I cannot remember!).

Whilst coming across a healthy eating article I encountered the word ‘Chia seed’ over and over again (have done for many years) and the description sounded very familiar so I typed it into trusty old Google. Google images gave me countless hits on appetising ways to make Chia seed puddings. I have given these a try and it is absolutely delicious!

My no frills, simple Chai seed Pudding consists of only a few ingredients:

  • Vanilla soy milk
  • Chia seeds
  • Honey
  • Fruit/Nuts of choice or dark chocolate (optional)

All you need to do is:

  1. Fill up your glass with soy milk and add the Chia seeds. Add as much as you like to make the mixture as thick as you like.
  2. Thoroughly stir the Chia seeds and leave to rest for a 2-3 minutes. The Chia seeds are tiny black seeds but once immersed in soy milk they start to retain the liquid making them plump and gelatinous (a little tapioca pearls).
  3. Stir in a teaspoon of honey can be added for a little extra (natural) sweetness. Top with chopped fruits or nuts to give it that little extra healthy kick!

This simply is a case of less is more! Sometimes I don’t add the honey because the subtle sweetness of the vanilla soy milk is enough. I like to add almonds, raspberries or pieces of dark chocolate if I’m feeling particularly indulgent!

These are some sites that have delicious Chai Seed Pudding recipes:

The picture I used is from on Chia Seed Pudding…, this is one of the most simple yet delicious recipes I’ve come across.

Dark Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

vanilla chia seed pudding

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